Homematic Telnet

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Registriert: 27.01.2008, 13:51
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

Homematic Telnet

Beitrag von a.krypthul » 27.01.2008, 14:31

Hi folks,
sorry for writing in english (my german is bad) - to get telnet access to the homematic CCU you have to enable the inetd at bootup - this is done by the attached script (to be installed as "Zusatzsoftware").
This script is very simple - it mounts /dev/mtd3 as /usr/local/ and copies the file "script" to "/usr/local/etc/config/rc.d/init" - at bootup each executabel (script) in rc.d directory is automatically started - the init-script just starts the inetd (which starts the telnetd)

When installing the script - the CCU will display :
- halted
- uncompressing firmware (don´t worry its only the little telnet.tar.gz)
- enable inetd (telnet)
after some seconds it reboots - that´s it !

after reboot just telnet to the CCU IP on port 23 (default) - the user is root - no password

have fun with embedded linux

script to enable telnet
(239 Bytes) 312-mal heruntergeladen
Zuletzt geändert von Roland M. am 30.10.2018, 10:27, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Grund: Thema verschoben

Beiträge: 348
Registriert: 04.01.2007, 10:20
Wohnort: Frankreich - Elsass

Re: Homematic Telnet

Beitrag von over.unity » 27.01.2008, 17:37

Hi Alex

That's great, it works!
Do I have to set up this software only once or by every reboot?

I would like to have an ftp access. Do you have also a script for this?


Gross denken, klein beginnen

Beiträge: 41
Registriert: 27.01.2008, 13:51
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

Re: Homematic Telnet

Beitrag von a.krypthul » 28.01.2008, 10:04


> Do I have to set up this software only once or by every reboot?
You only have to install it once - it´s store in the flash.

> I would like to have an ftp access. Do you have also a script for this?
No, the "telnet script" only activates already installed software (in the CCU Firmware). To have a ftp-daemon in the Homematic requires a modified firmware (I guess this is a little bit too early :wink: ). But nevertheless you can use the commands ftpput / ftpget to transfer files from and to the homematic (from within the telnet-terminal).

I guess the Homematic is a nice toy - we have to learn a lot about it - hopefully by the help of a system-documentation - sometime :?:

Bye Alex


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